"While there’s risks to any stock, this is a $6m over the counter listed shitco that’s traded sideways for a decade." I guess you said it yourself. With no dividend/buyback, the money never comes back to you. As its not a growth story , you massivly rely on Multiple Expansion. That will be hard, once their NOL has reached and taxed has to be payed, multiple expansion will happen , but not in the favor of the stock holder.

Anyways thanks for presenting such interesting stocks. Never heard of them and i like niches. But my (short) experience has taught me. No Catalyst, nothing will change. This could be a interesting stock if someone has a good normalized earnings calculation that shows their potential , or if management is showing signs of a better capital allocation. Till then it should be a watch list item :)

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Interesting company, nice write-up, thanks.

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